Good morning!
Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father help us to obey His commands in His word. Father, we need you to encourage and enable us to obey you. Reveal yourself again as trustworthy above all others. Remind us of not only your ability to help us, but your desire to do for us what we cannot do alone, for ourselves. We are daily and desperately dependent on you Father. In the name of your Son Jesus, and by the power of the Spirit who is making us more like Him, help us to know your Will, and to do it. Amen!
Your Morning Song: "Hallelujah Anway" by Rend Collective
Your Morning Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-8
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to Him,
and He will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.
In yesterday's devo we talked about and gave examples using Bible verses to form our prayers around. What if we tried that again here, with these verses?
Praying Proverbs 3:5-8
Heavenly Father, help me to trust you with all of my heart. I can trust you! Help me to lean on your understanding, and not my own. Please, Father, help me to acknowledge you in everything I think, do, and say. I trust that the more I seek to live by what you want, the more I will be blessed with the peace and rest of having lived an obedient life.
Father, I am so wise in my own eyes! Please forgive me. Help me to look to you as wise, and myself as needing your wisdom. Help me to live in awe/respect/fear of you, and to reject all that you have taught me is evil. And I know that if I do this I will be rewarded by your delight. And your delight at my obedience is so sweet and so good that my inner being will be filled until my very body is nourished by it. Help me to live rightly according to what you say is right! Amen!
One of the easier ways to pray scripture that is a command, such as the selection from Proverbs above, is to ask God to help you obey His command. And asking for His help, acknowledging that He can actually help us, and that He actually wants to.
So consider these verses above. Are we living this way? Do we trust God to help us obey Him, and that He can and wants to help us? Are we willing to set aside our own prideful desire to know and control? Or will we live according to our own understanding, and feel the consequences down into our very bones?