Pastor Colby

"Ever seen a turtle on a fence-post?"
Perhaps you've heard of this saying and know how it ends. I myself have heard it from so many people that I don't quite know who said it first. But it finishes like this:
"If you've seen a turtle
perched on a fence-post,
you can at least know this,
it didn't get there by itself."
I was six years old in the living room with my mom when Jesus called out to me and claimed me as his own. I have been loved and deeply influenced by my family and church family for years.
I was incredibly blessed by peers and professors during my time at Dallas Theological Seminary.
And I am the husband at the city gate, crying out the praises of my life-giving wife, my gift from God.
I am truly a turtle on a fence-post.
Who I am is founded and grounded in the loving kindness of so many others, none more so than Jesus, the Lord and Savior of my life.
Now I am here in Stuart, IA, at First Congregational Church, as of April 2022.
Here I sit
on this fence-post,
daily and desperately dependent
on Jesus Christ.
I am not alone! My wife Kara and I have been married since September 8th, 2013. I am so delighted to be her husband.
We enjoy some of the same things, and delight also in the differences. Watching and playing sports, laughing at videos and pictures of our kids, going to Mexican restaurants, and talking about what God is doing in our lives,
I can never get enough of sharing life with Kara. It is about as good as life can get when you've got a Packers fan (her) married to a Seahawks fan (me).
She also loves to create beautiful, handmade wooden signs and renovate our house. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in an HGTV show.
As for me, I enjoy reading and writing all manner of things. If words are involved, I'm likely interested.
I also have yet to fully give up my dreams of making the NBA, but as I dive into my middle age years, I may have to let that one go.
If nothing else, I will always have coffee. There's nothing quite like sipping some coffee and having a good conversation about what God has been teaching us.

Meet the Kids

Emery is the oldest of our kids, having been in school long enough to make sure that everyone is her best friend. She is in love with gymnastics and ballerinas and her baby sister Willa. I have been blessed to see how much she loves other people.

Elora is next, once a shy little girl, now a giggling, hilarious social butterfly. She has more stuffed animals than anyone else and likes to grab on to her parents like a barnacle. She also loves gymnastics, and puppies. I have been blessed to see how much she enjoys praying for others.

Delmar is our only boy. He loves to pretend fight like a robot and speaks fluent dinosaur. Delmar and I have daily arguments over who Kara is, his special lady, or mine. I have been blessed to see how he is learning to love other people well, as a little boy, not just as a dinosaur.

Willa is our youngest, and is toddling about with enthusiasm.
She has my wife's fear of missing out on things and my attention span. And she loves her sisters and brother. It has been a blessing to see her grow in relationship with each one of us. Every day brings a new expression, new sounds, and new messes.
We are a silly, sincere, Spirit-led-and-fed family.
And we are so glad to be a part of the Stuart FCC church family.
We look forward to many years of doing life together
with our brothers and sisters in Christ here.
They say it, and we've tested it, and so believe it:
"This is a place where friends become family."