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Writer's pictureColby Anderson

Your Morning Coffee 11/26/2024

Good morning!

Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father call us back from the shadow and sting of allowing the business of the day to day to overwhelm us. Father, as I am tempted to trust in my own strength, show me how impossible that is. I am weak, Father, and in constant need of your mercy and help. Please help me Father, to trust you, to entrust myself to you. In the name of Jesus, thank you Father! Amen.

Your Morning Song: "The Jesus Way" by Phil Wickham

Your Evening Scripture: Psalm 139:13-16

For you formed my inward parts;

you knitted me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works;

my soul knows it very well.

My frame was not hidden from you,

when I was being made in secret,

intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes saw my unformed substance;

in your book were written, every one of them,

the days that were formed for me,

when as yet there was none of them.


What does a busy life have to do with lifting weights?

To properly lift weights, you need to use good form, or you might injure yourself. And with bad form/technique, you will not build the same kind of strength you would if you do it right.

But even if you agree with this, and you're trying to use good form while lifting, the more you lift, the more tired you're going to get. And the more you move that weight around, no matter how heavy, a very interesting thing happens.

Your form will start to go bad. And you will have make intentional, consistent effort to maintain the form that keeps you from getting hurt, and that will get you the best results.

What does weightlifting have to do with a busy life?

A busy life brings exhaustion. It doesn't even have to be a bad thing. But it is exhaustion all the same. The busy life brings exhaustion and then our form/technique starts to go bad, if we're not careful.

If I am too busy, and too focused on doing and getting done and checklists, my heart and mind and body will not work the same.

How mindful are we, of ourselves, in the midst of the busiest time of the year?

I am too often and too easily distracted by all of the doing. And I notice too late the breakdown of my technique, my form, my Godly habits and attitudes.

I am more easily annoyed and impatient. I sleep less and poorly when I do. And don't play with my kids. I don't pursue my wife. I don't do all the things I should do, and instead do what I think I need to do. And all of it poorly.


I return to this place of rest. Psalm 139, but specifically 13-16.

At my worst, at my busiest, God fades from my heart and mind and I lie to myself and say instead that I have faded from His heart and His mind.

God knows me. God knows you. And He has made you one of His children. And He understands everything you are dealing with. And He dearly loves you and wants to help you. There is no part of your life that is hidden from Him.

Will you slow down and rest in His understanding love? Will you root yourself in His word and in prayer and in worship and in fellowship, and then in your checklist?

You cannot do this on your own. God is willing and able to help.

You cannot live by your own strength. You have none.

God knows what you're going through, and how to help. Return to the one who made you and knows all of your days before even one of them came to be.

God will help you. God will hold on to you and give you His peace and rest.

Trust in Him. Rest in Him. And then ask for His help in all of the things you think you need to do.

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