Good morning!
Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father remake our broken hearts ever more into the heart of his son, Jesus. Father create and inspire in us a desire to say, "Thy will not my will!" May we live out of a desire and decision to obey you, and not our broken flesh. Father you have defeated the power of sin us even as its presence in us remains. By your Spirit guide us in pleasing you and denying ourselves. In the name of Jesus may this be the way we live our whole lives. Pleasing you. Denying ourselves. We are daily, desperately dependent on your grace Father. May your joy be our strength!
Your Morning Song: "Living Hope" by Phil Wickham
Your Morning Scripture: Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”
This the verse Paul quotes in Romans 10:15 when he calls out to all believers, not just the leaders, to preach the Gospel, the ultimate good news of the eternal reign of God over all things.
How beautiful are your feet, church?
It's interesting that the body part used here is "feet" and not something else. Why not mouth? Or tongue? That would seem to go along with "preach" better than feet, wouldn't it? The analogy doesn't seem to fit our definition of preach.
Maybe our definition is wrong. If preaching the gospel is all about speaking, then it is easier to dismiss "preaching" as a thing only certain people should be doing, the gifted leaders, the "special ones."
God's definition of preach fits feet far better than mouth or tongue. When God says preach he means something deeper and wider. He means to share with your whole life, the truth of the Gospel. Speak? Yes. Of course. But also think and do. Our tongue and mouth are only used for some of this, but our feet? They are what takes us into each and every space of our lives. And where our feet take us, the gospel must go.
How beautiful are your feet, church? Are they the feet of those who bring the good news of God's eternal reign over all things through Jesus?
Or do we define preach as a special thing of the mouth and tongue done by special people, and not us?
God defines preach as a whole life witness, church. And commands you to share the gospel according to his definition, his will, his agenda, his mission. And when God commands he also makes us able to obey, removing all of our most convenient, convincing excuses. We are left then simply to say yes Lord, or no Lord. And our inner lives will out. Our spirit will either spread our "yes" or hide in our "no."
How beautiful are your feet?
