Good morning!
Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father remind us that there is no part of our life that escapes His notice, or His interest. Father, you see into our heart of hearts, into the deepest pathways of the Garden of our Thoughts. You see there because you are there. There is no part of us that is hidden from you. Help us Father. I know you have, I know you are helping, and I know you will. You have called us to live lives set apart and different from the world around us. We can't! Unless you help us. You have. You do. You will. Forever and always. In the powerful name of Jesus and with the help of the Holy Spirit, thank you Father. Amen!
Your Morning Song: "Captivated" by Shawn McDonald
Your Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
Israel's first king, Saul, was lost, consumed by his own pride and selfishness. And so the prophet Samuel went looking for the next king in secret. At the House of Jesse, Samuel found many young men, Jesse's sons, who looked very kingly. Like Saul.
But God said no.
Samuel was still looking at the outside of the person. And he was looking for the same things that Saul was originally praised for, his height, his looks, his appearance.
And God said no.
Because He can and does look on the inside, to the very depths of our hearts.
When God looks at your heart, what does He see?
How deep does our faith run? How real are the words that we say and sing and pray? Do we mean what we say or do we merely want to be seen to say? How deep does the cross upon us lay? Adrift on our surface in some shallow way? Or does it rest in the depths of us, down, all the way?
What does He see in my heart?
If you're asking this question rightly, it should be much like rounding a corner and coming impossibly face to face with a wild lion. There is a moment of wise fear, the fear of knowing that the situation has just become very much out of our control.
God looks at our hearts. He is not a distant father who does not know us. He is our Heavenly Father, who so loved us, that He sent His son to claim our hearts, our whole, for Himself.
Child of God you belong to God. Your heart belongs to God. Give it to Him. Share it with Him. Ask Him to help you.
May our walk with the Lord be about sincerity and not perfection, obedience more than sacrifice, and a respect for our Father Who Sees Us that rests in our bones.