Good morning!
Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father richly bless us with a greater understanding of His Will. Father, as we come to better understand your will, make our knowing complete by helping us to put our knowing into our doings. May we be marked by our obedience to your Will as revealed in your Word. In the name of Jesus make us able to do what you command! Amen.
Your Morning Song: "Almost Home" by MercyMe
Your Evening Scripture: Ephesians 5:15-17
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
God's Will contrasts with foolishness. It is clear, understandable, obey(able) wisdom. His Will is not vague. His Will should never be something we wonder at. We come to His Word to know His Will.
Perhaps you've heard this phrase before, "live in God's Will." What does this mean? I've mostly heard it used when someone is talking about doing something big, going somewhere far away, or whether or not to take a new job or get married.
I think we might be misunderstanding how we're supposed to interact with God's Will. Living God's Will has very little to do with what job we have, or who we marry. But instead how we work, and how we choose to love. God's Will for us is to be wise by way of obedience to what He says about how we ought to live in the Bible.
And we should not give in to the temptation to make His Will seem mysterious and vague.
There is no part of our day that He does not care about. We are His children living in a broken, evil world. He wants to be clear and to leave us without excuse.
Instead of being foolish and neglecting God's Word, we should make the most of the time He has given to each of us by chasing after His Will in His Word. And then, obeying Him.
God's family are those who hear His Will in His Word, and obey it. Let us be wise and may we make the most of our time!