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Your Morning Coffee 02/11/2023

Writer's picture: Colby AndersonColby Anderson

Good morning!

Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father gently carve away whatever loneliness, whatever weariness, whatever despair has begun to accumulate on us. Father find our weathered edges and shapren us anew into those who have been built up into maturity in the same way that we have been saved by your Son, by grace, through faith in Him. Father, we live in the light of your love, which calls us to joyful obedience to your Word. In the name of your Son Jesus, by the Spirit who keeps us close to Him in likeness and intimacy, inspire us today to deny darkness and despair, and instead entrust our whole, daily selves to you. We are not alone. We have not been abandoned. We are not orphans crawling about in the darkness. We are your adopted children walking and living and loving in your light. Amen.

Your Morning Song: "Weary Traveler" by Jordan St. Cyr

Your Morning Scripture: Hebrews 2:17-18

For this reason he had to be made like his brothers and sisters, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.


There are some who believe, perhaps without ever putting into conscious thoughts and words, that Jesus saved us from sin and then left us to fend for ourselves. How else can we explain why so many of us are so weary? So burned-out? So lonely?

For many of us life is a difficult, lonely grind, like pushing a boulder forever uphill, alone. And then another set of hands, scarred, are pushing against that great, impossible weight.

Jesus promised to be with us, always, to the very end of this age of waiting for Him to bodily return. The Holy Spirit, living within us and making us more like Jesus, connects us to Jesus, who has saved us from our sin and its fatal wages. But there's more! Jesus is like us, fully human in every way, so that as He helps us, He empathizes with us. Because Jesus didn't just face temptation to which He easily said, "No thanks, I'm good." He actually suffered as well.

So as we suffer, as our burdens and our struggles seem daily greater, we have a savior who is greater still. He loves us. By the Spirit He is with us. He is willing and able to walk with us through whatever we are facing in life right now. He is the personal, perfect, powerful fulfillment of the promise of Psalm 23.

Jesus was made like us in every way. He was tempted. He suffered. He died. And He rose again. And He promised never to leave us or forsake us. He sits now at the right hand of our Father in Heaven, interceding for us, advocating for us, crying out, "Forgiven! Justified!" For us.

When it comes to our lives and our struggles, Jesus cares more than we do, and He is doing more than we are.

And so we have no good reason to think and live otherwise.

Church, may we joyfully admit our daily, desperate need for Jesus, grasping tightly to His promises, His person, and His power. He is with us. He is for us. He leads us and teaches us and guides us and grows us. But never leaves us. Never forsakes us.

May we take the time today to consider our living.

What about our habits, our attitudes, and our agendas?

Are we living like those who have no hope?

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