Good morning!
Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father show us how sweet it is to wait on Him, to seek Him, to trust Him. Father, it is so sweet to trust you and your Son Jesus, to take you at your Word in all things. Please help us to be patient and content as we wait for you and with you, watching for your Spirit to move and work in us and in the world around us. May we move as you move! And may we rejoice and rest in being still and waiting in obedience when we cannot see what you are up to. You are always up to something Father. We can trust that. In Jesus's name and by the Spirit's power, inspire us to wait on you today! Amen.
Your Morning Song: "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" by Reawaken Hymns
Your Morning Scripture: Lamentations 3:25
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
to the soul who seeks Him.
Not sure how familiar you are with the book this verse is from, as to what sort of book it might be, what it is about and that sort of thing. Here's a hint. It's called Lamentations.
It is not a pleasant book. It is full of hurt and grief and depression and pain. And yet its author, Jeremiah, a prophet rejected and abused by God's chosen people, still has verses like the one above. I don't know about you, but that context makes all the difference for me.
It is easy to say to someone else, "it is good to wait on the Lord," when life is going well. But for the hurting and the suffering person, this feels shallow. Cheap. Trite. Almost condescending. But it is different when the one saying this kind of encouragement has suffered deeply as well.
Our God is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.
I often forget that waiting on God is good. I see getting things done as good. I see unwinding watching a game as good. I see reading a book as good. I see going to sleep as good. And those things can certainly be good.
But not like waiting on God.
That is a good beyond the good of any other persons, places, or things. Waiting on God, seeking Him with our soul, is what we were made to do. It is the intimacy of the amazing relationship He has welcomed us into through the work of His Son on the cross.
We wait in this best way when we pray to Him. We wait when we sing to Him. We wait when we read His word. We wait when we entrust to Him all the things that steal all of our peace and rest.
How can we wait on the Lord today?
How can we be souls who seek Him this Christmas season?
